Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Little Bit of Orla

I really like rummaging in Homesense for bargains. There are two branches nearby, in Manchester city centre and at the Trafford Centre and I always come away with some really good buys. Today, I bought some Emma Bridgewater soaps, some lovely stationery, an Orla Kiely type mini jug and then I spied a gem...the Orla Kiely "Home" book for only £9.99. Considering it sells in Waterstones for £30, I was very chuffed.


  1. ooh, corking bargains. Especially the book. I'm jealous you have Homesense, we don't have one around here. Mind you, probably a good thing. I'd be in there all the time!!!

    just seen your DM.
    Ok. Hope this makes sense. And it's ages since I added my links so I'm hoping I'm telling you this correctly.
    To add links to Insta-g & Twitter you need to add a gadget in your side bar. The one needed is 'html/javascript'.

    I used two little graphics, and stored them on Flickr, this is because you need to know the exactly location of where it lives on the net and also . Make sense?
    Then you need to link your twitter/insta address. directly behind the graphic.

    I've left the codes for the graphics so you can see exactly what it looks like. It links back to each graphic on Flickr. * had to DM the code, Blogger wouldn't allow it!

    Once these have been altered, you're done.

    Now. Does this make sense? I hope so. It's actually a lot easier than you initially think it'll be.

    Good luck!

  2. sorry if any of that doesn't make sense (for example .. 'and also'?! eh) I had to go back and take out quite a bit thanks to Blogger being stroppy.

  3. Thank you Sadie, I've had a go but I think I will leave it as it is! I'm very technically challenged! Yes, Homesense is a great shop, it's possible to find some real treasures.
